E3: Anatomy Park
On Christmas, Rick sends Morty inside the body of a homeless man to save his life (a parody of Fantastic Voyage). Inside the man's body is a microscopic enclosure called Anatomy Park (a parody of Jurassic Park), which houses various deadly diseases that escape their enclosures. Back at the family home, Jerry's parents visit, and the family attempts to bond without electronic devices.
E2: Lawnmower Dog
On Jerry's demand, Rick gives Snuffles, the family dog, an intelligence-enhancing helmet. Rick and Morty, in an Inception-esque scenario, enter the dream of Morty's teacher, in an attempt to make him give Morty an "A" in math class. They find themselves in a dangerous situation, where they are forced to repeatedly enter dreams within dreams to escape. Eventually, they are chased by a dream character named Scary Terry, a "legally safe" parody of Freddy Krueger. They manage to enter his dream, where they stand up for him against his bully teacher. This persuades Scary Terry to help them complete their mission. Meanwhile, at home, Snuffles builds a mechanical suit and assembles a dog army intending to take over Earth. Returning home from their adventure, Rick and Morty enter Snuffles' dream, where Rick causes Morty to fall into a coma. This prompts Snuffles to rethink his priorities, resulting in him taking his army to another planet.